Easier Said Than Done.

Embarking on the journey to create Simpler Living, I’ve navigated a path filled with as many challenges as triumphs. This isn’t just a tale of building a unique business; it’s a story of personal transformation, driven by a blend of relentless determination, profound faith, and a vision to impact lives.

The Vision: Impact Through Environment

Simpler Living was conceived not merely as a business but as a mission to create unforgettable experiences. Stemming from my own battles with bullying and mental health, this venture aims to offer a sanctuary for deep connection and peace, mirroring the healing I sought and found.

The Road Less Traveled: Embracing Adversity

From the pain of relentless bullying to the challenges of learning disabilities, my early years were marked by trials that shaped my resilience. Each setback, each tear, was a step towards building mental fortitude. As they say, “Without pressure, diamonds cannot be made,” and these experiences were the pressure that forged my resolve.

A Leap of Faith: From Vision to Action

The journey of building Simpler Living, particularly the Charlie model, has been a testament to faith and action. It’s been years of working beyond the conventional nine-to-five, sacrificing relationships and potential “fun” memories to focus on this dream. This journey was fueled by a belief best encapsulated in the quote, “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”

Conquering Imposter Syndrome: One Step at a Time

Facing the mountain of imposter syndrome, I learned that overcoming it is a matter of taking one step at a time, persistently moving forward. Sometimes, it is 2 steps back and 1 step forward – you learn from the loss of 1 step, which will give you guidance to take strides of 2 steps in the future. “Persistence closes the distance” has driven me through countless late nights and early mornings. Listening to David Goggins, Jacko, Gary V., Rocky, and other motivators daily. It is almost like they are on my shoulders, giving me the motivation but, more importantly, the discipline to continue when others won’t. Iron sharpens iron – you have to surround yourself with people that will take you beyond what you thought you could be capable of.

Fundraising: The Backbone of Our Dream

Raising well over $100,000 has been a journey in itself, marked by constant learning and networking. Each investor meeting, each pitch, was not just a business transaction but a step towards realizing a collective vision.

The Power of Networking: Building a Community

I’ve always believed, “Your network is your net worth.” In this journey, every interaction, every handwritten letter, was an effort to forge genuine connections. It’s about giving as much as receiving, finding value in every conversation, and opening doors for others as they open for you.

Staying True to the Course: The Role of Faith

In my loneliest and most challenging times, faith has been my compass. The biblical verse, Isaiah 6:8, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Here am I; send me,” has been a source of strength and direction, guiding me through life’s storms.

Reflections and Looking Ahead

As I look back on this journey, I see a narrative of someone who, despite facing immense challenges, chose to take the harder path, driven by a vision and unwavering faith. Simpler Living is more than a business; it’s a journey of transformation, a testament to what can be achieved with grit and belief.

Join me as we continue to build not just a business but a community, a haven, and a legacy that transcends the ordinary. 🌿🏡